Let's pray together daily.

Email me at sandratodd653@gail.com to let me know the content of your prayer and I will post a prayer for you.

Dear Father in Heaven, bring us together in prayer. Allow us to lift each other up and encourage each other daily. Amen.




1 Peter 1:6-10

Busy, busy!

THOUGHT FOR TODAY:so that the genuineness of your faith—being more precious than gold that, though perishable, is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” 1 Peter 1:7 NRSV 


            All the presents have been opened, the New Year is in, and all the decoration have come down. What we are looking at, sometimes, is a long winter, desolate and cold. What is there to do?  The Bible has the “400 years of silence” when God did not speak. Then He spoke volumes. Jesus was born.

            That's why we waited. In the time that we have before we are reunited with Christ, we have work to do. There are so many people that need our attention as they face hopelessness and desperation. God can work through us to bring them to the Lord. What are we waiting for? We need to move because there is less time every day to share that Good News. No one knows when Jesus is coming. Be ready! Tell them! Tell people to repent and to have faith. Bring the weary and resigned to have hope in Christ. He awaits.  That's what they are waiting for.


PRAYER: Father in heaven, move me to show others your love and grace. I have work to do, don't let me hesitate. One person at a time or a whole community. Your spirit sends me to them to tell of your promise for everlasting life. Thank you, God, for giving me this opportunity to share Your holy word. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

2 Corinthians 4: 10-18


THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”(NIV)


            When I go into the months after the holidays, I just feel old. Not only is the 'thrill' gone but the days are dismal and long. Life can seem prolonged for a while, like until spring. I stay busy with the grand kids, and I have my hobbies but there is no enthusiasm. Is this what the New Year felt like last year? I laugh at myself when I can't remember. I feel sad. It used to be, “A New Year, a new You!” I just don't have it in me anymore.

            Our bodies may feel the cold of winter, the weight of everyday problems, the burdens and trials of life, but God still carries us. Do not despair, do not give us. There is tomorrow and there is hope in the Lord. He guides us in His righteous ways when we obey Him. He shapes and forms us even in age. Even as we fade. Our work lays before us every moment, every day until the end and God will give us that strength until that job is done, until His plan is complete for us. Thank you, Lord!


PRAYER: God in heaven, thank you for sustaining me through my darkest days. I know that I feel the weight of my mortal body, but You give me all I need to accomplish Your goal for me. Thank you, Jesus, and let me persevere until you call me home to be with You! In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


Isaiah 46:4-13
Begin, Again

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: "My purpose shall stand,
and I will fulfill my intention,” Isaiah 46:10b.


            Don't you just cry at the end of summer? I do. I won't miss the heat index, I won't miss the mosquitoes, I love fall, what is it that I'm crying about?

            Fall colors, blush leaves drifting down to a sea of hues. The wood scent of burning wood and foliage.  Pumpkins and harvest blessings decorating the table. The Thanksgiving holiday is wonderful with the delicious, tantalizing aroma of turkey, ham and pie. Family gatherers as the fragrance wafts into the rooms already filled with a warm atmosphere. Christmas is Candelabra ceremonies with the effectual  intensity of Silent Night. Christmas morning with the merry sounds of children and adult laughter while opening presents and anticipating another scrumptious meal.

God gives us an array of change throughout our lives to show His almighty blessings. I now embrace each season. I do weep a bit of seeing each go. I wave goodbye and wait for God's promise to unfold. Oh how He loves me!


PRAYER: Our almighty God, thank you for watching over me and guiding my life with Your perfect timing. Let me shine the light, that you have granted me, in all seasons and to embrace every moment. Your blessings are delightful! In Jesus name I pray, Amen.


Just Listen


            My diagnosis was “profound hearing loss.” This was over twenty-five years ago. It doesn't get better with age you know.

            I have hearing aids but they work in different circumstances. I am still employed but days can be tough. Nothing is really easy these days, for me or anyone else.

            So I read the bible. I like the stories and I find these troubled times we live in run parallel to the Biblical days.

            Take Elijah for instance. In 1Kings 19:11 God teaches Elijah who He is. There were three elements, wind, an earthquake and fire. God was not in them.

            Then there was silence. God was there with Elijah.

            What is so hard about silence? We surround ourselves with noise.

            When I am nervous, I hum, I sing softly, and I drum my fingers. Even at work.

            I might be a disturbed, I might like to make myself happy. I might not like silence.

            Do I listen? No.

            Do I hear well? No.

            Maybe I need to listen.

            To God.

            Psalm 62:5-6 My soul, wait in silence for God only, for my hope is from Him. He only is my rock and my salvation, My stronghold; I shall not be shaken. Be silent and be still in the presence of the Lord.

            Zephaniah 1:7 Stand in silence in the presence of the Sovereign LORD

            Psalm 46:10 He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."

            God will let me hear Him.


Prayer: Thank you, Lord, for not giving up on me. Thank you for letting me hear You. Allow me to hear when the truth is spoken. Let me listen to You and obey. In Jesus name, Amen.